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About Us

About Us

Mendel Lazar

Founder & CEO

Mendel is a seasoned consultant and a true people's person with a proven track record of delivering value to companies. With years of experience, Mendel has cultivated a deep understanding of business dynamics and the art of building successful relationships. Driven by a passion for fostering meaningful connections, Mendel recognized a crucial need in the business landscape. Understanding that 75% of communication is conveyed through body language, Mendel founded this company to bridge the gap between potential investors and entrepreneurs. Recognizing that crucial nuances can be lost in purely online interactions, Mendel firmly believes in the power of in-person meetings to convey the fire and drive that fuels entrepreneurial dreams. With an unwavering commitment to helping entrepreneurs realize their visions, Mendel offers a unique perspective to investors. By bringing together the energy and charisma of entrepreneurs through face-to-face encounters, Mendel ensures that the full depth and potential of their ideas are conveyed effectively. The result? Investors are captivated by the entrepreneur's passion and motivation, leading to increased interest and funding opportunities. Mendel's expertise, combined with a genuine desire to see dreams come to fruition, has propelled numerous entrepreneurs toward success. By leveraging the power of interpersonal connections and the impact of body language, Mendel's approach to facilitating meaningful investor-entrepreneur interactions sets the stage for transformative opportunities.

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